
  • BKK Oct2011
  • ej chalkboard
  • f2f red square
  • ej snow
  • janec snow
  • ej dance
  • bed jump
  • with jac victor
  • f2f snow
  • f2f-06
  • f2f-08
  • f2f-53
  • f2f-57

The Hand

Everyone, meet The Hand.

Numb fingers. Which could only mean one thing. Gig time! This time it's a little different. Not the all-girls band like we usually are, but the whole event is about GIRL POWER! It'll be at Laundry, April 26, 9.30pm onward. It's gonna be a fun filled... Read more


HELLOOOOOO EVERYONE!!it's been really quiet here on our end BUT we would like to wish everyone a very HAPPY NEW YEAR AHEAD!!This year has been a really quiet one for us just kinda regrouping and busy with work and everything else.. But i personally am looking forward to the new year and looking forward to gigs and going to new places to spread our music and our passion for it.. Being at the end of an AMAZING year that just passed i am reminded of faithfulness, grace, love, new... Read more

A Sound

There's something about music that seems to pull people from all kinds of backgrounds to common ground. An attraction that is so hard to ignore that it brings us together and unites us even though we might disagree about everything else.For me, the best part about music is just that. Making music that is able to bring people together. To a place where we see past what is on the outside just like how we appreciate music through the melodies that serenade our ears and the rhythm... Read more

Music, Friends & Food

Seems just like yesterday that we were on a plane and heading off to Bangkok.. So much excitement and expectancy in the air you could just feel it! The thrill of being able to travel for music and all that you love is quite an indescribable feeling. We reached and enjoyed ourselves as we always do! The people, food, sights, sounds and just everything in between was something to make you stop and just be in that moment..We've been pretty quiet recently but not to worry.. We're... Read more