
  • BKK Oct2011
  • ej chalkboard
  • f2f red square
  • ej snow
  • janec snow
  • ej dance
  • bed jump
  • with jac victor
  • f2f snow
  • f2f-06
  • f2f-08
  • f2f-53
  • f2f-57

sneak peak.

surprise surprise!! i have something that is sort of a sneak preview and a little bit of insentive for you to VOTE!!! hahaha... but yeah... this was at practice... isn't the best but for now here it is.... enjoy!!


I have found the link!

Guys and girls, here's your chance to contribute for the greater good.

That's right, I have found the link to vote for Jane Chong's song, 'Four Walls'.

Go on and click on this to listen and instructions to vote!

All the best, Jane!

Free to Fall

just felt like putting this really nice picture of the whole band up... haha.. very random but yeah... for the sacrifice of the brows might as well make full use of all the pictures that day... so here's one!