how has everybody been doing??
everything been going good so far??
well.. we've been moving around quite abit...
but every single member has been busy...
assignments, work, due dates, family, exams...
and heaps of other stuff that seem to be grabbing our attention...
but worry not!!
i have pictures for ya.... hehehe...
i'm pretty excited...
cause i just found this new programme called phtoscape!!
which makes it so easy for a phtoshop cripple like me...
well... moving on...
today FreetoFall headed to FGT Sri Damansara...
waking up early in the morning was tough but fun!!
met heaps of new people and had fun just getting to know them...
then we headed on to the Curve...
and made our way to the Homegrown Space...
a small little corner in Bentley that became our music stage..
and since we reached early...
we decided to make use of the AWESOME couch!!
hehehe... =)
was a really relaxed and chilled out performance...
kudos to the two other performances...
so yeah... that was our day for ya...
it has been a long and tiring day...
but i enjoyed it to the FULLEST!! =)
so i reckon that's all from me today...
until next time!!
hehehe... it's ej signing off... ;)