
  • BKK Oct2011
  • ej chalkboard
  • f2f red square
  • ej snow
  • janec snow
  • ej dance
  • bed jump
  • with jac victor
  • f2f snow
  • f2f-06
  • f2f-08
  • f2f-53
  • f2f-57

start your engines...

and we're READY TO GO!!
haha... guess what?!!
Free To Fall is gonna be rockin' out in KUANTAN!!
so if you're anywhere near there..
do watch out for more info that'll be coming your way soon...
the dates are 8th & 9th October!!
i'm waaaayyy excited about it...

stay tuned for more info coming up...



do you realize something??
that just like raindrops falling from the sky...
we seem to look past the little things in life.
have you ever stopped to notice the wind blowing
or the sound of the birds singing in the morning??
it's something so beautiful yet so easily overlooked..
what more the people in our lives..
sometime we don't realize how much
we appreciate something until it's gone..
but why should it be that way??
live every moment to it's fullest and let nothing slip past..
living with the future in mind is an awesome thing to do..
but sometimes we forget to live in the NOW..
so here's to living every moment with
a conscious appreciation for the people around us..
it might be the person that serves you in your favourite shop,
your neighbour, your parents, siblings, grandparents,
aunts and uncles, friends, the ice cream man,
and random people you meet everyday..
treating people with respect and appreciation
is never something we can do without...
so try it sometime.. you never know when a smile could change a life!!

until next time... =)



we've reached our 100th post here... *clap clap clap* =)
and just because I felt like it...
here's a little SURPRISE!! hahaha...
started at 130am and finished at 4am...
just a little something from me to you for your viewing pleasure!!

so I hoped you enjoyed that short little something...
and I hope it wasn't too bad... hahaha...
(i'm really rookie at this)
but yeah... hope you have a great week ahead!!
this is ej signing off... =)


When we headbang.....

...hairs will fly. Check out janeC's dragon ball effect. Love the whole scene. We had lotsa fun during this gig, which was at subang parade a few months back. Thanks to Yamaha for allowing us to 'play' the equipment on the day. Yup, confirmed can still rock even though it's not our gear. Til our next time, we will see you again! (If not, in your dreams :)


F.A.M.I.L.Y rocks!!

helllooooooooo everybody!!
a very HUGE shout out to all our Muslim KAWANS...
hope all of you have safe trips to your kampungs
and have a great time celebrating...
don't forget to spend heaps of time with your family
and just enjoy their company...
after all... FAMILY is what makes this world a better place!! =)

so here's to all the families around the world.. be it a small one, big one, a very HUGE one, a cool one, a crazy one or even one that loves hugs and kisses... take some time off to tell them how much having them around makes life a joy to live!!
cause we LOVE FAMILY time as much as we love music!!
hehehe.... =)

(randomness from ej)
have a great holiday everyone!!
be safe and have heaps of fun..